Shop Strings

Synthetic Gut

A solid core string structure with familiar characteristics to natural gut. The synthetic core increases string durability whilst the outer layer promotes comfort.

From  £18


A solid construction blending polyester, polyether or other polyamides to produce a very durable string. A favourite among hard hitting players and often used in a hybrid with a softer synthetic gut or multifilament. Increased durability and spin.

From £24

Natural Gut 

Traditional and the ultimate in playability. This string offers maximum comfort, power and feel. Manufactured from sheep or cow gut, this string comes with the highest of recommendations from professional players who often use this in a hybrid with polyester. 
From £45


Very similar in construction to natural gut. However without a centre core the durability can suffer. The string more than makes up for its shortened shelf life with lots of feel, comfort and power. Great for sufferers of tennis elbow

From £22


Stringing Services

The racket is an extension of your arm and the strings are the only point of contact with the ball. The strings dictate the balls speed, spin, power and comfort. Speak to Harry about your ideal shot and he will help you pick the right string for your game.